“English Field Maple” Yamadori collection of field grown from seed for Bonsai by Rutland Bonsai. Radial Root Ball straight from the ground. Root ball Quarter filled the 45 litre container upon collection. 🙂 Field maple Plants Description: From Wikipedia. Scientific name: Acer campestre Family: Sapindaceae Kingdom: Plantae Order: Sapindales Higher classification: Maple Rank: Species …
Category: Bonsai Species
When trees grow up
Larch Tree progression. I bought the Larch tree featured in this post from ebay about 7 years ago. As you will see; it was tiny and came with 3 main trunks. Near matchstick thin and a young sapling. Time inevitably marches (Or Larches; in this case) on… The tree was quickly potted on from the…